Climate change

Magic Markets Ep49: Heroes and Net Zeroes


There’s nothing more topical than ESG and climate change. There’s also nothing more complicated and politically sensitive on the global stage. With COP 26 taking place soon in Glasgow, everyone is focused on ESG. We are seeing this in the markets, in corporate strategies and in asset management products. To help us make sense of it all and to get a global view on these matters, we were thrilled to welcome Kate Mackenzie to the show. Kate is a Bloomberg Green Columnist based in Australia. We had to navigate some tricky time zones to make this episode work, but that pales [...]

Magic Markets Ep49: Heroes and Net Zeroes2021-10-28T13:22:56+02:00

Magic Markets Ep32: The ESG Enforcer


The concepts of "ESG" and "sustainable investing" are now front-of-mind for institutional investors, but what does this mean in practice? Just Share is a non-profit shareholder activism organisation. The focus is on inequality, climate change, diversity and transformation. Importantly, the approach taken by Just Share is practical and makes absolute economic sense. These are hard-hitting issues that don't just impact the planet and society, but have a significant impact on share portfolios as well. Hosts The Finance Ghost and Mohammed Nalla ( were thrilled to welcome Tracey Davies as a guest on the show. Tracey is the Executive Director of Just Share and is a recognised subject matter [...]

Magic Markets Ep32: The ESG Enforcer2021-09-07T12:09:59+02:00

Magic Markets Ep6: Sustainable Investing


We aren't going to even entertain the thought of denying that there's a global emergency for humans to find a more sustainable way to exist on this planet. That doesn't just drive an imperative for corporate leaders to think about climate change and sustainability; it creates investment opportunities as well. In the final Magic Markets episode for 2020, we unpack the link between ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) metrics and sensible long-term investment principles. This episode is sponsored by Gray Capital, an independent wealth management company. Gray Capital combines the art of financial planning with the science of investing, helping you [...]

Magic Markets Ep6: Sustainable Investing2021-09-07T12:10:16+02:00
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