
Magic Markets Ep180: Home Country Bias


Home country bias is a real danger for investors. We tend to buy the brands we know, rather than taking an objective view on a global opportunity set. Global context is beyond important, particularly when you've had the benefit of engaging with investors and professionals in deep pools of capital like Europe and North America. In this episode, Mohammed Nalla and The Finance Ghost take advantage of recent travels to discuss how the South African market differs from global markets like the UK and America. For any investor serious about global wealth creation, this is a valuable discussion.

Magic Markets Ep180: Home Country Bias2024-06-19T14:28:59+02:00

Magic Markets Ep98: Answering Listeners’ Questions


We love engaging with our audience on Magic Markets. This week, we asked on Twitter for people to send through their questions. Other than the classic “when moon?” for crypto (which we opted to ignore), there were great questions around our portfolio strategies and position sizing. We also answered fun questions like what we would go back and tell our 20-year-old selves. With a mix of solid investment insights and some light-hearted fun, we loved recording this episode and we hope you enjoy listening to it.

Magic Markets Ep98: Answering Listeners’ Questions2022-10-19T22:08:42+02:00

Magic Markets Ep83: Tales from the Crypto


The team from Future Forex is familiar to Magic Markets listeners. Those who have been taking advantage of crypto arbitrage have made a profit this year, something that not many people can say about their portfolios. By exploiting pricing differences in local and international markets, the team at Future Forex has built a powerful system that delivers attractive returns. Even in the recent chaos of crypto, the business has stood firm. In this episode, Harry Scherzer joins us to remind Magic Markets listeners about the crypto arbitrage opportunity and how an 80% average annual return has be achieved by their clients [...]

Magic Markets Ep83: Tales from the Crypto2022-07-06T22:34:36+02:00

Magic Markets Ep70: Crypto Arbitrage Update


Long-standing Magic Markets listeners will know the Future Forex team. They introduced the concept of crypto arbitrage to us, a process of making profits on Bitcoin pricing differences between South Africa and offshore. Instead of taking a view on Bitcoin itself, this allows you to generate arbitrage profits and enjoy an interesting and potentially lucrative source of income each year. You may not know this, but your annual offshore investment allowance under South African Reserve Bank rules is an asset that you can tap into every year. The content of this podcast is for information purposes only and does not constitute [...]

Magic Markets Ep70: Crypto Arbitrage Update2022-04-07T00:30:21+02:00

Magic Markets Ep69: Investing in private debt


You’ve gotten to know Dino Zuccollo from Westbrooke Alternative Asset Management over the past couple of months. In Episode 69 of Magic Markets, we meet more of the team members, welcoming Jonti Osher and Richard Asherson to the show to delve into the fascinating world of private debt investments. Together with the Westbrooke team, we discussed the value of this asset class in a portfolio and how high-yield, uncorrelated returns can make a significant difference on a wealth creation journey. Westbrooke operates private debt funds in the UK and in South Africa, taking advantage of a gaping hole left by the [...]

Magic Markets Ep69: Investing in private debt2022-03-31T00:50:37+02:00

Magic Markets Ep63: Balancing balance sheets


We are thrilled to have Westbrooke Alternative Asset Management as a brand partner to Magic Markets. With over R8 billion in assets under management across South Africa, the UK and the USA, Westbrooke provides a unique gateway to the world of alternative investments. Dino Zuccollo (Head of Product Development and Distribution at Westbrooke) first joined us on Ep59 to discuss an overview of the Westbrooke business. In Ep63, Dino is back to delve into some of the more technical concepts in detail. We kick off with a discussion around liquidity in this asset class, a question raised by a listener on [...]

Magic Markets Ep63: Balancing balance sheets2022-02-17T00:48:43+02:00

Magic Markets Ep59: The Westbrooke Alternative


We are thrilled to welcome Westbrooke Alternative Asset Management as a brand partner to Magic Markets. With over R8 billion in assets under management across South Africa, the UK and the USA, Westbrooke provides a unique gateway to the world of alternative investments. This is a fascinating space including assets like private debt, hybrid capital, real estate, private equity and venture capital. As the world shudders at the combination of high equity prices and low interest rates, alternative assets offer an interesting portfolio diversification opportunity. Westbrooke will join us once a month on Magic Markets to unpack different areas of alternative [...]

Magic Markets Ep59: The Westbrooke Alternative2022-01-20T00:19:48+02:00
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